Tuzigoot is an ancient Native pueblo near Clarkdale, Arizona. We visited there in 1967/68 and as we walked through the open corridors and rooms I had the very distinct impression of being surrounded and even touched by the pueblo's original inhabitants. I have a lot of Native (specifically Six Nations) ancestry, have spent a lot of time immersed in my culture and I've had this "sixth sense" since I can remember. I perceived these "spirits" as friendly, even welcoming, but the pueblo walls themselves seemed sad.
Later I wrote this poem, and contrary to poet Billy Collins' 'write it and leave it' advice, I've honed away at this one since the 1980s when I first wrote it for the poetry unit of a university creative writing class.
A City Without Her People
Ancient crumbling walls
A thousand years have framed the sky
While the century plants below
Have flung their blood-red flowers
On the sand.
Wind-gnawed woman
Cradles silence like a suckling
Mothers ebbing echoes of the people
Who thronged her days and nights and
filled her time.
Keeping patient watch and
Listening still for drumming voices
Thump of loom, crackling fires,
Cry of birth and lilt of song to
lift her wings
Lonely walls imprinted,
With the touch of many lovers
Empty pueblo, weaves the wind into
Crumbling memories
©️ Deborah Cavel-GrĂ©ant 2020